Accessing RStudio Server through OnDemand

Figure 1

The OnDemand home screen with the Interactive Apps tab expanded to show RStudio Server

Figure 2

The RStudio OnDemand setup screen with text boxes for the four options listed above filled in using the values specified.

Figure 3

The RStudio OnDemand setup screen with the Advanced Options box checked, and intel16 selected in the Node type dropdown.

Figure 4

An OnDemand card with the information for a running RStudio job. The Host is lac-335, and the Time Remaining is 2 hours and 59 minutes.

Figure 5

An RStudio Server session. An R console takes up the left half of RStudio, and the right half is split between an environment section on top and a file browser on bottom.

Figure 6

The new document button in RStudio expanded to show options like 'R Script' and 'R Markdown'. The 'R Script' button is highlighted.

Figure 7

The terminal tab in RStudio showing a terminal connected to the host lac-335.

Figure 8

The Development Nodes dropdown from the OnDemand navigation bar showing the development nodes accessible on the HPCC. The dev-amd20 options is highlighted.

Figure 9

The top command running through the RStudio terminal. In addition to some auxiliary processes, one row in the top output has 'rsession' in the COMMAND column.

Managing R package installation and environment

Figure 1

The new RStudio Project button in RStudio.

Parallelizing your R code with future

Using R on the command line

Submitting R code to SLURM