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Azure AI Services and APIs

What is AI?

A discussion of AI and access to AI services in the cloud

  • What is AI? Definitions and impressions from the fellowship

    • What is Machine Learning?

For a classification task, say 2 class, training mathematical model input is the features, output is the class. Once the model knows what kind of features will predict the classes (based on hand-labeled). Train the model to predict the category of new data.
Unsupervised learning does not require pre-labelling, using clustering or other techniques to identify the features for classification

  • How is AI different (if at all) from Machine Learning?

AI is deep learning with larger data sets, faster and more reliably.

  • What are the essential ingredients to create an AI system?
  • What are the bias/issues with AI

Would AI as we see it today be possible without cloud computing?

  • Public AI vs Private AI: Google and Facebook have been working on this for a long time.
  • 'Cloud' versus 'Internal'

What is AI or ML? Services via functions

  • AI like Machine Learning in the end is a function with inputs and outputs
    • Simple example: linear model from least squares ( aka regression)

Azure AI use cases

Class Discussion

Azure Cognitive Services

What are these services? Massive machine learning models developed and trained by MS for public use

Standard Practice for engagine with Azure Cognitive/AI services:

  1. create 'account' in your resource group
  2. open 'studio'
  3. interact visually
  4. learn how to use API (python)
  5. create code and use personal keys

OpenAI via Azure

Example of using OpenAI API

Python Program pulled from several Azure Examples:

Azure OpenAI Demo Script:

Customizing your own AI

  • What is Transfer Learning?
  • Custom training from Azure , differentiating your AI.

Acceptable Use

We have an opportunity to use these tools as part of the fellowship via the MSU Azure acccount. Please use these tools responsibly. Please see the following policies