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DRAFT Using Databricks and References

Basic function

Spark is a cluster technology that connects to special storage, performs parallel work and reports performance. It runs on Azure using a combination of VMs, Storage disks, blob storage and networking. Spark has commands and tools to help you parallelize your python, R or Javacode to tackle problems too big for one computer.

AzureDatabricks is a webservice to allow you create, start, stop, destroy Spark clusters by abstracting all the resource creation for spark clusters. When you create an "Azure Databricks" resource Azure creates the pieces necessary to run the webserver and setup the storage system for your data and code, along with all the stuff related to user accounts based on existing Aure user accounts. ADB calls this webservice the "workspace" as it's a place to build multiple clusters and run multiple programs.

You log-in to the ADB web service which has forms to build Spark clusters on demand - you don't have to provision any of the Azure resources. In fact the resources that ADB creates can't be changed by you manually.

ADB lets you work with yoru clusters in several ways : submitting your program as a "job" the runs on a spark cluster, or with an interactrive notebook like Python Notebooks or R notebooks. In addition ADB provides a way you can connect to it via a command line on your computer remotely, rather than forcing you to use it's web interface.

You can upload data files either via your notebook code, directlh in the ADB web interface, or with the command line. These data files are then available to your code that runs on the cluster. Becasue the Spark cluster uses special form of parallel data storage, you can't upload files to it directly from Azure (like you would with other Azure storage)/ however ADB does allow you to attach/connect blob storage to the cluster directly instead of using the spark data system.

ADB by itself can not run code. You use ADB to first create a spark cluster, then the cluster can run your code. Hence to do some data operations, you must first create a cluster that can then run the code to operate on the data, even if those operations don't really requires a full power of a cluster (the code needs to run somewhere.).

How tos

Create and use an ADB service: use azure portal (link), then go to the resource in the How to upload into databricks:

1) use the UI (link) 2) in a cluster, use the

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That seems like it will be a problem when they go to try to build a DB and it creates a new RG.

Job clusters much cheaper - interactive is default, but much more expensive

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