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Contacting Us

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If you are a Cloud Computing Fellowship participant this year (or past participant!), please contact the instructors Pat Bills or Mahmoud Parvizi with any issues or questions related to the material or activities.

The session meetings are designed to have plenty of time for questions, troubleshooting and discussion. We will also schedule office hours prior to meeting times to help with pre-meeting activities.

If you have general questions about the MSU Cloud Computing Fellowship, please contact Brian O'Shea

If you will be an MSU graduate student or post-doc in the next Fall, and are interested in participating, please check back in the Summer for announcements for invitation to participate. The request for applications is announced on the MSU ICER mailing list and several other mailing lists around campus. We encourage anyone with an active research program that could benefit from cloud computing to apply

If you are an MSU Researcher interested in using cloud for your research, please contact IT Services or MSU ICER via our ticketing systems and describe your needs.